Yiğit Toprak is a Turkish graphic designer based in Toronto, Canada. He is interested in the intersection of design and technology, and how they can be used to communicate ideas and create experiences. He is also interested in generative art, web development, typeface design, calligraphy, user interface design and visual identity systems. Outside art and design, he enjoys tools, archives, philosophy, music and general semantics.
Being frustrated by my previous website I decided to create a new portfolio website for myself. In the past, I
prioritized crafting a site that would appeal to potential employers, often at the expense of my own creative
voice. However, this time, I am focusing on expressing my perspective as a designer. I want to infuse
playfulness into the design of my portfolio, embracing a style that differs from the conventional graphic
designer's portfolio, treating this online space as a playground.
This site is constantly under construction. It is
not only a place to display my latest work, but
also a test
site — that is why I have decided to use the yellow and black colour palette. I will be constantly adding,
removing, re-styling, changing and playing around with all the features on the website, as a tangible digital
reminder of my ever evolving and changing design process and perspective.